Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ear Positions

  1. Part I


  3. Ear positions-Dog ears aren't  just listening – they’re for talking too!

  4. Look at your dog's ears. While we're not able to do much with our own ears, a dog's ears can be incredibly expressive.
    • Alert Rocky.jpg
      Ears pricked forward or straight up: This can indicate that the dog is fully engaged in play, hunting, or concentration. It's a sign of paying attention.[24] This ear position can also indicate curiosity and can express the intent to do something, as the dog is turning to catch sounds. It is an obvious ear position in the early stage of a chase.
    • Angrydogearsback.jpg
      Ears flattened: Ears that sit against the dog's head indicate that the dog feels afraid or threatened. Ears that are forward but close to the head can also indicateaggression.
    • Little One ears back.jpg
      Ears part way back but not flattened: This indicated unhappiness, anxiety, or uncertainty.
  5. Snookie's eyes.jpg